Zurcher Orthodontics

Braces for Teens: A Comprehensive Guide

As a teenager, you may not like the thought of getting braces. You may have heard horror stories from your friends or seen pictures online that make you cringe. But don’t worry, there is more to braces than just a mouth full of metal. In fact, braces for teens can have numerous benefits and can even be a positive experience. 


Don’t let the initial apprehension hold you back from exploring the many benefits of braces for teens. Embrace the opportunity for a healthier and more confident smile! Whether it’s traditional metal braces or Invisalign, the result of a straighter smile will be well worth the effort. Remember to follow proper care instructions, attend regular appointments, and maintain good oral hygiene for optimal results. With the right support system and mindset, getting braces as a teen is an experience that will make you smile!


Why Do Teens Get Braces?

Orthodontic treatments like braces are typically recommended for teenagers because it is the best time to correct misaligned teeth or jaw issues. During the teenage years, the body is still growing and developing, which makes it easier to move teeth and adjust the jaw. 


Additionally, teenagers are often more self-conscious about their appearance, making braces a popular option for correcting crooked or overcrowded teeth.


Types of Braces

Several types of braces are available for teens today – each with its own benefits and drawbacks. The most common types include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign. Traditional metal braces are made of metal brackets and wires, while ceramic braces use clear or tooth-colored brackets for a more discreet look. Invisalign, on the other hand, uses a series of clear aligners to gradually shift teeth into place.


Pros and Cons

Each type of brace has pros and cons that should be considered when choosing the best option for your teen.


Traditional Metal Braces in Draper, Utah


  • Solid and durable, making them suitable for more severe cases
  • Most affordable option
  • You can add colorful elastics for a fun touch 


  • Highly noticeable 
  • Requires frequent adjustments and tightening appointments
  • Some patients report minor discomfort or irritation to the cheeks and lips 


Ceramic Braces in Draper, Utah


  • They can be less noticeable than traditional metal braces 
  • Can blend in with the color of teeth 
  • They can be used for both mild and moderate misalignment issues 


  • They can be more expensive than traditional metal braces 
  • May stain or discolor if not properly cared for
  • They can be slightly more fragile than metal braces


Clear Aligners in Draper, Utah


  • They are virtually invisible, making them the most discreet option 
  • They can be removed for eating and brushing 
  • No wires or brackets that can cause irritation 


  • Not suitable for severe misalignment issues 
  • Requires strict adherence to wearing aligners for at least 22 hours a day 
  • They may take longer to see results compared to traditional braces


The Process of Getting Braces

Getting braces may seem intimidating, but it is a straightforward and relatively painless procedure. The first step is to schedule a consultation with our team. Dr. Zurcher will examine your teen’s teeth and jaw during this appointment and determine the best treatment.


Once we have chosen the type of braces, the next step is to have them put on. This involves cleaning and preparing the teeth, placing brackets on each tooth, and threading wires through the brackets. We will then teach your teen how to properly care for their braces and provide instructions for any necessary lifestyle changes.


After you get braces, we’ll schedule regular check-ups with you every 4-8 weeks to adjust and tighten them. These appointments are essential for monitoring progress and ensuring the treatment is on track.


Tips for Living with Braces

Living with braces may take some getting used to, but there are a few tips that can make the experience more comfortable for your teen:

  • To ease any discomfort or soreness, stick to a soft-food diet during the first few days after getting braces. 
  • Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can damage the braces and prolong treatment time.
  • Keep the mouth clean by brushing after every meal and using special tools like floss threaders to get in between brackets and wires.
  • Attend all scheduled appointments and follow instructions given by the orthodontist for optimal results. 


The Benefits of Braces for Teens

Aside from achieving a straighter smile, there are numerous benefits that come with getting braces as a teen:

  • Improved oral health: Straighter teeth are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Boost in self-confidence: Correcting misaligned or crooked teeth can significantly improve one’s self-esteem and confidence.
  • Better overall health: Misaligned teeth can lead to issues such as jaw pain, headaches, and speech difficulties. Properly aligned teeth can alleviate these problems and improve overall well-being. 


Braces For Teens in West Jordan and Draper, Utah

Getting braces as a teenager is a standard and highly beneficial treatment that can potentially improve oral health and self-confidence. With various types of braces available at Zurcher Orthodontics and a straightforward process, there is no need to fear getting braces as a teen. If you or your teenager are considering orthodontic treatment, request a consultation with Dr. Bill Zurcher to see how braces can help achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.